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The Future Of API Management – Machine Learning, GraphQL

API Management
API Management

API management has come a long way in the last decade. There was a time when API management was just starting, with most of the focus on the API gateway itself. These days, there are so many things that you need to consider when developing an API strategy for your company or organization—from governance and monitoring to machine learning and server less computing. The good news is that these developments are all happening at such an incredible pace that it can be hard to keep up with them all!

This blog post will look at where things stand today (and where they’re likely headed) across three key areas:

A Look Back At The Last 10 Years Of API Management

The last decade has seen some monumental changes in the API space. The number of APIs being deployed, the number of people using them, and the rate at which they’re being used have all grown dramatically. We’re seeing a few key trends that are shaping current and future API management:

  • A shift from simple microservices to monolithic applications
  • An increase in hybrid deployments that combine cloud and on-premise services
  • More focus on business value over technical innovation

API Gateways and Microservices

The API gateway is a critical component of modern microservice architecture. This central point of contact between your applications and the world allows you to manage your customers, developers, and APIs in a scalable and secure way.

Many organizations have already begun adopting this model with great success. For example, Walmart has built an API management platform that allows its business units to develop their microservices without worrying about operations or security concerns. Their system provides granular control over access levels while also providing fine-grained monitoring capabilities to gauge how popular each service is among users.

A Look Forward To What Will Be Standard In API Management

API management will be a standard part of the digital experience in the future. The process of managing APIs will become more standardized, and most companies will have some form of API management.

As this happens, API management might also become more accessible to people with different skill levels. This could mean that people who don’t have a lot of technical knowledge can build out an API management system without needing much help from someone who knows how to code an entire platform from scratch.

API Management is still relatively young compared to other parts of digital experience (like web development or app development). It will become more mature as we learn what works best for businesses in each industry and how they want their customers’ experiences managed across all channels.”

Machine Learning, GraphQL, Serverless Compute

The future of API management is in the hands of machine learning, a field that focuses on making software more innovative and efficient by utilizing artificial intelligence. While you may think this sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, it’s already here and has the potential to change how we interact with APIs.

For example, GraphQL is a query language built to make APIs easy to use. It allows developers to describe their data requirements using complicated queries rather than sending separate requests for each resource individually. This makes GraphQL much faster than standard RESTful APIs because it only retrieves what’s needed from the server without needing additional requests or roundtrips (see also REST). Serverless Compute—a new way to run code without having to manage servers—promises similar performance gains through its ability not just save time but also reduce hardware costs over time since enterprises no longer need hardware maintenance or licensing fees associated with running their servers in-house.”

Making APIs Accessible To All Skill Levels With Developer Experience

Developer experience (DX) is a big part of API management. What does this mean? It means you’re making APIs accessible to all skill levels and developers, from novices to experts, from entry-level developers to senior engineers. When you are building an API, you want it to be easy enough for anyone with basic technical skills to use—and if they need help or guidance along the way, there should be resources available.

To achieve this goal, DX must consider the following four things:

  • Functionality – How intuitive is your API? Do all its features work correctly? Are there any bugs? Does it have errors when used in conjunction with other products?
  • Usability – How easy is it for people who are new at using APIs (or new at programming altogether) to understand how they work and start using them right away? Do they learn by doing, or do they need hand-holding through every step of their journey into API mastery?
  • Performance – How fast does your API respond under heavy load conditions such as high traffic volumes or lots of concurrent requests being made simultaneously by multiple clients trying out different operations at once; do any unexpected delays occur during normal usage which would negatively impact users’ experience; what response times should we expect given certain situations like scenarios based on specific procedures involving large files being transferred between clients regularly over long periods due too large numbers being shared between them constantly throughout each day without interruption etc., etc., etc…

Monitoring And Governance Explode Beyond The API Gateway

As you might imagine, monitoring and governance are essential aspects of API management. Monitoring can be done at the gateway or the server level, while governance ensures that APIs are used correctly. This means setting up rules (and periodically checking them) to make sure that:

  • Your servers are processing requests correctly and are responding with the correct responses
  • Your data is consistent across multiple environments (dev, staging, prod)

Taking APIs Mainstream With An API-First Approach From Start To Finish

In this post, we’ll be looking at what an API-first approach could mean for you and your business—and how it might help you build a better product, company, developer experience, and API management strategy.

The future of API management is bright, but many things need to be considered to succeed

The future of API management is bright, but many things need to be considered to succeed. One thing you should know is that the field of API management is still relatively new, so there’s a lot of room for growth and change. In terms of how you can apply your knowledge, it’s essential not to limit yourself by thinking only about what an API gateway does—the entire field is much broader than that and includes everything from software development kits (SDKs) and client-side libraries up through server-side code and even data transformation.

If you’re interested in truly mastering this space, consider these tips:

  • Understand why your business needs an API gateway. This will help you better understand where your efforts need to be focused and what kinds of problems might come up along the way.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things! You never know when something might work out better than expected or lead down an unexpected path toward something even more exciting!


The key takeaway is that what we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg regarding API management’s future. We’re still in the early stages, with much more innovation and growth ahead for this industry as businesses look for new ways to become more agile, maintain compliance and drive revenue through APIs. We see trends like machine learning and graphic becoming increasingly essential parts of how developers interact with APIs. Still, plenty of other technologies are on their way, like serverless computing or an API gateway that handles all aspects, from code generation to governance oversight.

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Written by John Baker

Born and brought up in Vancouver, Freddy loves to write since his school days. Now, he has become an experienced content writer. He loves to explore what’s happening around the world and create stories on that. Freddy is known to pick information only from trusted sources before bringing it in front of his audience.

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